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Not long now


I write this post, having only just over a month before I set off! The excitement and nerves have well and truly set in and the countdown is on!

The ‘goodbyes’ have commenced and my weekends are filled with last time catch ups. It’s sad…but I know I will be back!

In between my work as an occupational therapist, training at the gym and seeing friends I am spending time purchasing items for my travels - lots of research into the pros and cons and getting in touch with contacts wherever I plan to be around the world.

Amongst all this I have a job interview next Saturday…at 5.20am in the morning…time zones suck… My fingers are crossed, so that I can have some sense of security! I am open to chopping and changing work locations but would be nice to have something to work off of.

Seeing pals already set off on their adventures has me chomping at the bit to go. I am more than ready. I cannot wait to see what lies ahead for me.

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