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Tips for travelling Mexico


Over the past month travelling around Mexico there are a few things I wish I had of known prior. Others just a strong recommendation and made my life a whole lot easier!

Tips to travelling Mexico:

  • Cash is KING - all major venues can be paid via eftpos however you will likely be required to pay a surcharge fee. The Mexican's love cash. You will look like an idiot asking to pay with card at a street stall (it does not exist!).

  • Never drink the tap water - I have been told that some places are worse than others. It is not worth the try. Purchase bottled water from the supermarkets (OXXO, Walmart or Chedraui). These are your cheapest options. But don't risk it.

  • Toilet paper goes in the garbage bin beside the toilet! - the sewage system in Mexico cannot cope with toilet paper, the pipes are just not built to handle the stuff. You will always find a bin next to the toilet to place it into. It will end up becoming second nature but in the beginning it is weird!

  • Use a bum bag! - a necessity when travelling Mexico. You can keep all your belongings on you, easy access and makes it much more difficult to steal. If travelling with a backpack wear it on your front!

  • Only carry money that you are willing to either spend or have stolen! - When getting a large sum of money out of a ATM try to head back to your accommodation and store it somewhere safe.

  • Distribute your money in different locations in your bag - (i.e stuff it in your socks etc)

  • Carry a lock - these come in handy to use on hostel storage lockers (you will have to purchase one to hire for the duration of your stay otherwise).

  • Back up your phone to iCloud daily - this gives you piece of mind if stolen, you can still have access to your stunning pictures!

  • Download offline maps - if you do not have access to wifi or cellular services this is a perfect option to get you from A to B in the interim.

  • Always negotiate a taxi price prior to getting into the vehicle - they really will do anything to get more money out of you! If the language barrier is an issue use your calculator on your smart phone to visually show the price agreed/offering.

  • Dealing with the cops - as I am sure you are aware the police are corrupt in various part of Mexico. If you find yourself in a situation having to deal with them (i.e they have proposed that you were doing something illegal and you were not) it is easier to agree, try not to get defensive and agree and reason with them. It is not worth getting in an argument and risking going to jail for the evening - this is no fun! Stay calm - they do not want to hurt you they just want your money.

  • Pay with Pesos! In Mexico they will accept the US Dollar but you will get an awful exchange rate. If you have US dollars the best thing to do would be to find a currency exchange with the best rate you can find.

  • Save money by taking the Colectivos - this is one of the best money saving tips for travelling Mexico. A Colectivo is like a shared mini van that frequently run in the Yucatan and other parts of Mexico. You are looking at 20MXN Vs 200+MXN for a taxi or ADO bus.

  • Google translate is your friend - make use of this. Of course learning some basic Spanish will help you out aLOT. However most Mexicans will be happy to read and communicate via google translate for the more difficult conversations.

  • ADO buses - these are massive buses that run across all of Mexico. They are extremely easy to use and super comfy! My best advice would be to download the ADO app and purchase your bus ticket online rather than at the terminal (you get it for a slightly reduced price and have more options when choosing your seat). I would recommend choosing a seat away from the toilet (it sometimes smells) and away from the drop down TV's (the are often very loud and makes it difficult to sleep).

  • Pack a jacket for Mexico City (CDMX) - it was cold! Much of the country was stinking hot but Mexico City was chilly in the evening so be prepared!

  • Mexican time is a real thing - honestly allow extra time for everything. Never expect to leave a tour etc on the time allocated. Everyone is very laid back and I swear they do not start work until 10am/11am some days!

  • Notify your bank that you are travelling to Mexico - this will avoid unecessary blocking of your account.

  • Do not use random ATM's on the street - stick to ATM's in major supermarkets.

  • Get a WhatsApp account - most people use this when travelling and it is super easy to use as a means of communicating with home/tour guides/transportation services etc!

  • Be sure to experience ALL of Mexico - do not fall into the trap of thinking that seeing one place means you have 'done' Mexico. The country is huge and there is was more to the Beach Clubs in Tulum. The west cost is BEAUTIFUL!

  • Oh and also have a pack of cards handy at all times - they make for a good time whilst waiting in airports, bus stations, and restaurants. You will be surprised at the amount of cards games you will learn from people around the world.


Not essential but I can see where and why it could come in handy:

  • Carry and old phone - if you are ever mugged you can give them the old one and not have to worry.

  • Carry a decoy wallet - have an old wallet with a few bits of spare change so that you can satisfy someone if they mug you.

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