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Updated: Jun 22, 2022

Born in Hong Kong, having already lived in a few countries and at the ripe old age of 22 I really don't have much to loose. The sudden leap to travel occurred approximately 4 months ago - I had my heart shattered, it wasn't anyone's fault it just didn't work out.

Growing apart and spending some time with myself I realised I had a desire to travel, more than I had ever realised. Days later I expressed to my family I was going to move to Canada and embark on my long term travel adventure. Their responses varied, but mostly extremely supportive!

Now, fast forward 2 months of reading, listening to travel podcasts, discussing with friends and countless forms and documents completed to get visas approved I will commence my travels come early September.

The initial leg will take me to the beautiful county of New Zealand, where I plan to stay with my kindergarten bestie, Keeleigh, filling my time partying at the 4 day festival, Snow Machine, shredding snow and hot tub dips! My time in New Zealand will quickly come to an end and I will begin the long haul flight to Vancouver. Where I plan to work and live in Whistler for the winter season.

I like to think myself of a planner, relatively organised and head screwed on to some degree. Despite this, I am keen to slow down, take day by day, meet new people, listen to their story and soak up all the memories. A common question I have been asked is 'so when will you be back teags?' 'how long are you going to be gone for?'. The truth is...I have no idea. But for now, for the foreseable future, I plan to travel, work, make mistakes and have all round blast doing so!

Leaving my family, friends and my gorgeous dog behind is already proving to be very difficult! However I have confidence that this is where I need to be right now.

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3 комментария

Clive Barratt
Clive Barratt
07 сент. 2022 г.

Hello girl One of my regrets is not being at your send off to tell you a few things your dad could not. We want 3 phone calls a day telling us where you are and what you up to. If the shit hits the fan contact me not your dad 😁 good luck and enjoy.

Clive Barratt
Clive Barratt
07 сент. 2022 г.
Ответ пользователю

Believe him I will.

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